
Beginner Dressage


Next online competition date: 31.1.2025 (we need all videos before or on the day)
Online results date from: 2.2.2025

A super-easy walk & trot dressage test to get you started as a hobbyhorse rider.
This test is suitable for all ages and abilities, all you need is enough space (7 x 14 m)

Medal for the first 3 places, rosettes for all places

Please fill out the form below for any of your online or venue club events.

SKU: N/A Category:

Age groups:
Super-Minis (3-5 years)
Minis (7 years and under)
Juniors (8-14 years)
Seniors (15 years and older)
Age groups may be combined with insufficient entries.

Medal for the first 3 places, rosettes for all places


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